Howard Stern asked Kamala Harris one embarrassing question you won’t believe

Oct 11, 2024

Howard Stern used to be the voice of the anti-establishment outsiders.

Now Stern is just a regime bootlicker.

And Howard Stern asked Kamala Harris one embarrassing question you won’t believe.

Kamala Harris’ media tour takes her to Howard Stern’s show 

Howard Stern became the “King of All Media” by being willing to push the envelope of what was thought to be acceptable on morning-drive radio.

Stern’s raunchy humor and interviews used to make the powers that be uncomfortable.

Now Stern is nothing more than the conformist-in-chief.

Stern proved he’s a patsy for the liberal establishment by virtue of the fact that Kamala Harris’ handlers figured Stern’s show was a safe enough venue to send Kamala to make it seem like she was doing interviews while ducking any forum where she might get asked a real question.

And right off the bat, Stern left longtime listeners shaking their heads, and wondering what happened, when Stern began sucking up to Harris in an embarrassing fashion.

At one point Stern’s “questions” to Kamala Harris consisted of asking her if she planned to flee the country if Trump won.

“If he wins, God forbid, would you feel safe in this country? Would you stay in this country?” Stern asked.

This was simply repeating the big lie told by Democrats and the media, that Donald Trump planned to be a dictator on day one and would weaponize the government to jail his political opponents.

Liberals like Stern repeat this narrative with no sense of irony or awareness of what’s going on in the world.

The reality of the situation is if Kamala Harris wins the election, then her Justice Department will pursue the January 6th and Mar-a-Lago document witch hunts to stage show trials against Trump to see that Trump dies in prison.

Kamala Harris’ response 

Kamala Harris embarrassed herself on this media tour.

On multiple occasions, Harris has been unable to name one way that she’d be different from Joe Biden.

But this time, even Kamala Harris was embarrassed by Stern’s fretting.

“Howard, I’m doing everything I can to make sure he does not win,” Harris replied.

Stern seemed to forget that it was Kamala Harris’ supporters who tried to assassinate Trump, and he baselessly claimed Kamala Harris’ life would be in danger in the event of a Trump victory.

“What if he does? How can you be safe? He’s saying, I’m just going to do whatever the hell I want, this time I know what I need to do,” Stern wondered.

It was a poor sign for Stern that Kamala Harris knew enough to direct the conversation away from this absurd topic, and she began rambling about the RINOs, who were basically Democrats anyway, who’ve endorsed her.

“You know what, all of those former officials from national security, the over 200 Republicans who worked with both Presidents Bush, Mitt Romney, John McCain who are endorsing me, the former Vice President Dick Cheney who is voting for me along with his daughter Liz Cheney,” Kamala Harris replied.

And Kamala closed by making the usual demand Democrats make of Republicans to put “country before party.” 

“We are building a coalition of people who are Republicans, independents, Democrats, Libertarians, all stripes of Americans who are coming together to say, you know what, this election is about putting country before party,” Kamala Harris concluded.

When Democrats ask Republicans to “put country before party,” what they really mean is for Republicans to give up everything they believe in and hand Democrats total power in Washington, D.C. so they can pack the Supreme Court, give amnesty to illegal aliens, add Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico as new states, and ban guns.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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