Everyone noticed Michelle Obama just snubbed Kamala Harris in one very big way

Oct 8, 2024

Barack and Michelle Obama are still in charge of the Democrat Party.

They are the two biggest names on the Left.

And now everyone has noticed that Michelle Obama just snubbed Kamala Harris in one very big way.

Barack Obama campaigns for Kamala Harris 

Barack Obama announced he would begin his campaign trail activities for Kamala Harris with a rally in Pittsburgh.

“Former president Barack Obama will campaign for Vice President Kamala Harris in the month leading up to Election Day, kicking off his efforts with a trip to Pittsburgh on Thursday, according to a senior campaign official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss unannounced campaign activity,” the Washington Post reported.

Obama senior advisor Eric Schultz released a statement saying the former President was all in-on electing Kamala Harris in November.

“Now that voting has begun, our focus is on persuading and mobilizing voters, especially in states with key races,” Schultz declared. “Many of these races are likely to go down to the wire and nothing should be taken for granted.”

But the second Barack Obama hit the campaign trail, astute political observers quickly noticed something odd.

There was no mention of Michelle Obama campaigning for Kamala Harris.

Michelle Obama campaigned for past Democrat Party nominees Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden.

In 2024 however, Michelle Obama is skipping the trail.

Questions about Barack Obama and Michelle Obama’s support for Kamala Harris 

Both Barack and Michelle Obama spoke at the Democrat National Convention.

Barack Obama warned Democrats that beating Donald Trump wouldn’t be easy.

“If we work like we’ve never worked before, if we hold firm to our convictions — we will elect Kamala Harris as the next President of the United States,” Obama declared. “We’ll elect leaders up and down the ballot who will fight for the hopeful, forward-looking America we all believe in.”

But Obama did not strongly endorse Kamala Harris.

“Kamala Harris is ready for the job,” Obama added. “This is a person who has spent her life fighting on behalf of people who need a voice and a champion. Kamala wasn’t born into privilege. She had to work for what she’s got, and she actually cares about what other people are going through.”

The Obamas’ words at the convention stood out because of what they said and did after Joe Biden dropped out of the race.

When Biden ended his campaign, Barack Obama endorsed an open process to pick a new nominee.

“But I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges,” Obama wrote in a Medium post.

This post noticeably didn’t endorse Kamala Harris.

Barack and Michelle Obama were also the final two Democrats to get on board and endorse Kamala Harris.

The power couple didn’t throw their support behind Kamala Harris until it was all but certain there was no way to fight her nomination at the convention.

Neither Barack nor Michelle Obama held much belief Kamala Harris could actually win.

And Michelle Obama blowing off campaigning for Kamala Harris has some political observers wondering if the Obamas still hold that fairly low opinion of Kamala Harris’ political talents and prospects.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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