Donald Trump doesn’t take any prisoners when dealing with the media.
He was sickened by one segment on MSNBC.
And Donald Trump lowered the boom on Rachel Maddow with this brutal takedown.
MSNBC makes repulsive comments about a 13-year-old cancer survivor
President Donald Trump delivered an address to a joint session of Congress that was filled with low points by Democrats trying to disrupt him.
Trump recognized brave 13-year-old D.J. Daniels, who beat brain cancer, during his speech and announced that he would become an honorary Secret Service agent.
Democrats refused to clap for Daniels.
The only applause of the night from them came when funding for Ukraine was mentioned.
MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace tried to connect Daniels to January 6 during the network’s coverage of the speech.
“I let myself feel joy about D.J., and I hope he’s alive for another, you know, 95 years, and I hope he lives the life he wants to live,” Wallace said. “He wants to be a cop. He knows what he wants to do, and maybe when you have childhood cancer, that crystallizes for you.”
Wallace pivoted back to attacking Trump with a repulsive comment.
“I hope he has a long life as a law enforcement officer,” Wallace ranted. “But I hope he never has to defend the United States Capitol against Donald Trump’s supporters, and if he does, I hope he isn’t one of the six who loses his life to suicide, and I hope he isn’t one who has to testify against the people who carried out acts of seditious conspiracy and then lived to see Donald Trump pardon those people.”
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow joined in by attacking Trump for honoring Daniels.
“For the record – and this is disgusting – the President made a spectacle out of praising a young man who’s thus far survived pediatric cancer – as if the President had something to do with that,” Maddow raved.
Donald Trump demolishes Maddow and Wallace
D.J. Daniels got to enjoy a special moment that he’ll remember for the rest of his life after his courageous battle against cancer.
Maddow and Wallace used him as a political prop to attack Trump.
Trump said that Wallace and Maddow should be taken off TV after their disgusting remarks while speaking to reporters in the Oval Office.
“Worse than CNN is ‘MS-DNC,’ which is the worst,” Trump said. “And the good news is very few people watch them anymore. They have lost such credibility; and, frankly, what Nicolle Wallace said — I’ve never been a fan of hers, and she’s not very talented — but I’ll tell you, what she said the other day about that young man is disgraceful. She should be forced to resign.”
“Who even watches this stuff?” Trump wondered.
The President went after Maddow next.
“And Rachel Maddow should be forced to resign,” Trump stated. “Nobody watches her anyway. I don’t know if – it’s not possible they pay her as much money as I hear – but certainly she’s lost all credibility. Both of them. But what they said the other day, they should be forced to resign, about that young person who is suffering.”
MSNBC’s ratings have been in freefall since the election and its parent company, Comcast, is trying to spin off the network.
The poorly rated cable fake news network has become a hotbed of Trump Derangement Syndrome.