Donald Trump and his allies aren’t leaving anything to chance this election.
They’re switching things up this campaign to put the Left on the run.
And Donald Trump has one ace up his sleeve that has Democrats worried sick.
A major mobilization of faith voters is underway
In elections that come down to the wire, it’s the side that gets more of their people out to vote who wins.
Democrats have traditionally relied on outside groups like Big Labor to help turn out their voters, while the GOP has leaned more into their party infrastructure for get-out-the-vote efforts.
Former President Donald Trump’s campaign is switching things up for his ground game to turn out voters this year.
Republicans are turning to groups like Turning Point Action to help with get-out-the-vote efforts.
Evangelical voters have long been one of the most important members of the GOP coalition.
The Faith and Freedom Coalition, led by chairman Ralph Reed, is running a $62 million program to register and turn out evangelical voters for Trump.
Reed called it the biggest effort in modern American political history to turn out evangelical voters in an interview with The Daily Wire.
“We will knock on 10 million doors of homes that have between 17 and 18 million modeled evangelical Christians and other social conservatives registered to vote in those homes,” Reed explained. “That’s about half of all the homes that the entire Republican Party Vote knocked on in 2022.”
He said that the Faith and Freedom Coalition will canvass more voters at their doors than any conservative group in history.
Low turnout voters being targeted
Volunteers with the Faith and Freedom Coalition are making 10 million phone calls to voters in swing states using an app.
And they’re planning on sending 24 million text messages to voters in swing states.
The group is looking to mobilize low turnout voters who have only voted in one out of the last three elections.
“We have 6,000 volunteers and about 4,000 paid staff engaging in this effort,” Reed said. “We’re also distributing voter guides in 113,000 churches, and we’re doing voter registration drives in about 25,000 churches.”
The 2020 Election came down to about 20,000 votes in Wisconsin, 10,000 in Arizona, and 12,000 in Georgia.
“I’m confident we can make up those margins and more just with this project alone,” Reed stated.
Reed explained that evangelical and social conservatives are facing a Democrat ticket of Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, who are extremely hostile to their most important issues.
“These voters are driven by issues and by policy and this is the most pro-abortion ticket in U.S. history, in Harris and Walz,” Reed said. “It’s the most anti-religious freedom ticket in American history and Harris and Walz are on record supporting a scheme that would pack the Supreme Court and force the premature and unconstitutional retirements of three of the most conservative justices on the Supreme Court, including Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.”
In an election with razor-thin margins, evangelical voters could help put Donald Trump over the top.