Chuck Schumer got called out by the last person he ever expected

Jan 7, 2025

Chuck Schumer was blindsided by the latest development in Washington.

He thought he was immune from these kinds of attacks.

But Chuck Schumer got called out by the last person he ever expected.

Reporter calls out Democrats for cheap shots at the Supreme Court 

CBS’ Jan Crawford is turning into something of a truth teller in the media.

On a recent broadcast of Face the Nation, Crawford called out the media for participating in the cover up of Joe Biden’s senility.

That same episode also saw Crawford admit the Democrat Party’s attacks in the Supreme Court were a bad faith attempt to erode confidence in the institution.

Crawford explained that the Democrat Party smear campaign began when the conservative majority corrected an historical wrong by overturning Roe v. Wade.

“It really started and took off in the wake of the Dobbs decision. The Court’s ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade. The outrage over that decision was so extreme that you saw, I think, a quite calculated effort to undermine the legitimacy of the Supreme Court by Democrats — Senate Democrats for example — hearings, stories about scandals, some of which were pretty overblown to say the least,” Crawford began.

Some of the fake scandals Crawford alluded to were smear campaigns against conservative Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.

The media invented phony scandals claiming Alito was an insurrectionist because he flew a flag with a pine tree symbol on it commissioned by George Washington known as the Appeal to Heaven Flag, which some on January 6 waived.

Clarence Thomas faced fake allegations of corruption because he complied with the current standard of reporting gifts and hospitality.

Chuck Schumer led the charge on what Crawford pointed out was a cynical campaign to delegitimize the Court by pretending to support ethics reform.

Crawford told viewers that the Supreme Court’s approval rating fell to an historic low of 40 percent in September 2022 because of the constant attacks by Democrats on the Court’s legitimacy in the wake of the Dobbs decision that reversed Roe v. Wade.

“So, that has an impact on public opinion. You know, the public starts to believe that this Court is corrupt, that this is, you know, on the take, none of which is true. I mean, this is still a Court, you may disagree with their decisions, it’s a very conservative Court,” Crawford continued.

Crawford slammed Democrats for sliming the Court as corrupt simply because the Left didn’t like the outcome of major cases such as Dobbs and the decision granting Presidents immunity from criminal prosecution.

“It is not a corrupt Court. These are nine justices who have very different views on how to interpret the Constitution, who are kind of in this titanic struggle over law, not politics. Even the immunity decision. I mean, that decision was so misreported to say that the Court was going to save Trump from a criminal trial,” Crawford exclaimed.

In the wake of the immunity ruling, the now-Senate Minority Leader, Chuck Schumer (D-NY) introduced the No Kings Act, which would have limited the scope of the immunity ruling.

Crawford noted that was foolhardy because the immunity ruling now protects Joe Biden and Kamala Harris from facing human trafficking charges for smuggling 10,000,000 illegal aliens into the country.

“No, it wasn’t. That was never the decision. In fact, that decision is going to help protect Joe Biden from any future prosecution by Donald Trump if he wanted to do that. So, you know, when we look at public opinion polls, sure, the Court’s taken a hit, but that’s true over the years,” Crawford declared.

*24/7 Politics Official Polling*

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