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Joy Behar was fuming when this Fox News star revealed she auditioned for “The View”
The View is where Democrats get their morning dose of anti-Trump ranting. But it wasn’t always this way. And Joy Behar was fuming when this Fox News star revealed she auditioned for The View. Fox News contributor Kennedy tried out for The View ABC’s The View has become indistinguishable from a show on MSNBC with […]

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made one awful mistake that landed her in hot water
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez loves to get her name in the headlines. This time she ended up in them for the wrong reason. And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made one awful mistake that landed her in hot water. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez faces a complaint over misusing taxpayer money Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is no stranger to controversy. This time, she […]

Whoopi Goldberg was fuming when a top Democrat made this confession about Trump
Whoopi Goldberg and the harpies on The View live in a bubble. They had it burst in the worst way. And Whoopi Goldberg was fuming when a top Democrat made this confession about Trump. Senate Democrat admits that Donald Trump has the party reeling Democrat Members of Congress are getting increasingly frustrated watching President Donald […]

Laura Ingraham took a new job that caused Democrats to have a bad meltdown
Laura Ingraham is one of the most popular hosts on Fox News. But she’s tackling a new challenge. And Laura Ingraham took a new job that caused Democrats to have a bad meltdown. Laura Ingraham appointed to the board of the Kennedy Center President Donald Trump ruffled feathers in the Washington, D.C. Swamp when he […]

A top Republican stopped one dirty trick CNN used against Donald Trump dead in its tracks
CNN is acting as an attack dog for the Democrat Party. The left-wing network pushed a false narrative. And a top Republican stopped one dirty trick CNN used against Donald Trump dead in its tracks. CNN host called out for trying to blame Donald Trump for the economy The stock market has been a selloff […]