Donald Trump gave the military one mission with this daring move

Donald Trump gave the military one mission with this daring move

Donald Trump is wasting no time asserting his authority as Commander in Chief. The swiftness of Trump’s action took Washington, D.C. by surprise. And Donald Trump gave the military one mission with this daring move. Donald Trump takes out top ISIS planner Because of...

Democrats made one bad decision that will doom them to defeat

Democrats made one bad decision that will doom them to defeat

The Democrat Party is stuck in the political wilderness. It doesn’t look like the party will forge a path out anytime soon. And now Democrats made one bad decision that will doom them to defeat. Democrats pick a new party chairman  The first step any losing party...

John Kennedy left the Democrats back on their heels with this daring move

John Kennedy left the Democrats back on their heels with this daring move

The Democrat Party is trying to regain its bearings after Donald Trump’s swearing in. They won’t be getting back on their feet anytime soon. And John Kennedy left the Democrats back on their heels with this daring move. The Democrat Party attack of conspiracy theorist...

James Comer put the fear of God in one top Democrat with this letter

James Comer put the fear of God in one top Democrat with this letter

James Comer uncovered the Biden Crime Family’s corruption. Now Comer has a new target in his sights. And James Comer put the fear of God in one top Democrat with this letter. Denver Mayor called to testify in hearing on sanctuary cities  Denver Mayor Mike Johnston set...

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Jon Stewart begged Chuck Schumer not to do one thing

Jon Stewart begged Chuck Schumer not to do one thing

Jon Stewart and Chuck Schumer are normally on the same page. Not this time. And Jon Stewart begged Chuck Schumer not to do one thing. Jon Stewart says Democrats need a new face of the resistance to Donald Trump  The Democrat Party is completely adrift in the early...